
I share practical knowledge that I have gained as a Google Data Studio freelancer since 2017. Subscribe for Google Data Studio Templates, Tutorial and Tips.

How to copy a Google Data Studio Template and become the owner?


If you want to copy my free Looker studio template for web analytics or any other template, follow the below process. Once you copy a template to your Google account, you become the owner and can edit it.   Login to using your Google account. Now open the Looker studio template by pasting the url in the address bar. Click the copy button (two rectangles on the top...

looker Studio: User manual for End users


This Looker studio user manual shows you how to use a Looker studio Report. This manual does not show you how to build reports but is written for end users. Navigate report pages Method 1: Click on previous(<) or next(>) icons to navigate Method 2: Click the current page name to see a list of all page. Click on the page you want to jump to. Rename a report You have copied a report. Now you...

MailChimp Popup Subscription Form: 3 Enhancements That I Like To See In It


MailChimp’s free plan with up to 2000 subscribers is a big pull for many newbie bloggers. There are other companies that have free plans but MailChimp offers an unparalleled number of features (IMHO). MailChimp’s popup signup form has helped me grow subscribers at a fast pace in all my blogs. But the popup signup form has a few irritants that I hope MailChimp will address someday. 1...

Disqus Comment Platform Review And Why I Switched To It?


I build my websites with the Drupal CMS which has its own native comments with additional modules to support spam control, notifications etc. In this post, I explain why I switched from native comments to Disqus and my review of the Disqus platform. Ease of maintenance: I run multiple websites on a single shared hosting account. I am always looking for ways to reduce Database load. With native...

What is Digital Analytics? Definition and Scope


Digital Analytics: Definition Brian Clifton probably gave the simplest definition of Digital Analtyics : Digital Analytics: following digital “footprints” to understand the people and their experiences that leave them. -Brian Clifton Avinash Kaushik gave a more comprehensive definition of Digital Analytics. Digital Analytics (Web Analytics 2.0) is (1) the analysis of qualitative and quantitative...

What is Google Analytics? – An Introduction


What is Google Analytics? Google Analytics is a web analytics tool to track and report website traffic. It is used to track user acquisition, user engagement, and goal conversions. It can also track acquisition and engagement on mobile apps. Why Google Analytics? Hassle free maintenance: It is a hosted on Google’s servers. There is no need to upload, upgrade or maintain any software on your...

Google Analytics FAQ and Trouble shooting


Google Analytics is one of the most comprehensive web analytics tool. It is quite common to run into problems during implementation. This page helps you troubleshoot issues and also answers frequently asked GA questions. 1. Where can I find the tracking code? I did not copy the tracking code and id when I created the property. Where can I find them now? Login to Click ‘Admin’ button...

How To Set Up Google Analytics Tracking For Your Website?


Google Analytics Tracking Set up is done in 2 easy steps Step 1: Signup for an Analytics Account using your Google account (gmail id). Step 2: Add a javascript tracking code to your website (even if you are not technical, do not worry. Keep reading. I will point you to step-by-step tutorials) Step 1: Signup for an Analytics Account using your Google account Login to using...

Google Analytics: How To Create A View Using Filters?


What is a ‘View’ in Google Analytics? A ‘view’ in Google Analytics helps you focus on a subset of the data that it collects. For example, you can create a view to show only traffic to your blog. An E-commerce website can create a view to show only traffic to its product pages. You can also create a view to exclude traffic from an IP address. We take the help of...

Keyword Effectiveness Index(KEI) Formula For Shortlisting Keywords For SEO


In the late 1990s, Sumantra Roy coined the term Keyword Effectiveness Index (KEI), an indicator used to shortlist keywords for SEO. The formula given by Roy remained popular for more than a decade. Later many experts have modified the formula and even come out with completely new formulas to calculate KEI. Today there are as many formulas as there are tools for keyword discovery. In this post, I...

I share practical knowledge that I have gained as a Google Data Studio freelancer since 2017. Subscribe for Google Data Studio Templates, Tutorial and Tips.
Sasi -