Google AI essentials course – review


I recently completed the Google AI Essentials course from Google on Coursera and I am happy with what I got to learn. It covers the foundational concepts of AI, prompt engineering and responsible AI usage. This course helps you improve your productivity using Generative AI tools like Gemini. This is a non-technical course and not meant for those aspiring to be AI/ML developers.

Key Insights

  • Covers a wide range of of topics from AI basics to prompt engineering and responsible AI usage, all explained in a lay man’s language.
  • Practical assignments using Google AI tool – Gemini.
  • Taught by AI experts at Google
  • Combination of videos, readings, activities and quizzes.

Areas for Improvement

  • I would have loved to see the course explore non-Google AI tools.
  • A few more practice assignments could have solidified the learning.

Module Details:

Introduction to AI: Introduces AI fundamentals, including its definition, basic functioning, and capabilities.
Maximize Productivity with AI Tools: Explores diverse applications of generative AI in the workplace and identifies opportunities to improve productivity.
Discover the Art of Prompt Engineering: Teaches how to craft effective prompts for various knowledge worker tasks and refine prompts based on model performance.
Use AI Responsibly: Addresses potential harms of AI, including privacy risks, security threats, and biases.
Stay Ahead of the AI Curve: Provides guidance on staying updated on AI developments and assessing AI tools for workplace use.

The course prepares students for future of work by equipping them wih practical skills in generative AI. I highly recommend this course to those who are beginning to explore AI.

About the author


I share practical knowledge that I have gained as a Google Data Studio freelancer since 2017. Subscribe for Google Data Studio Templates, Tutorial and Tips.

By sasi
I share practical knowledge that I have gained as a Google Data Studio freelancer since 2017. Subscribe for Google Data Studio Templates, Tutorial and Tips.
Sasi -